
Showing posts from January, 2023

Life and Creativity and Balance and Gratitude

  We got to see the most beautiful rainbow this week!  A gift of promise and hope... When it all comes down to it, I think every thing in life is about finding balance.  It seems I am constantly straining between too much and too little. I often waver between the days where I am exhausted and overwhelmed by a hopelessly loaded to-do list and days where I am bored out of my mind with nothing to do.  (The latter days I am usually ignoring the to-do list, because I have burned myself out of EVERYTHING...I have adapted my coping skills to include a few go-to's for those days, as well.) Overall, I think I am getting better at finding the middle ground.  And balance is peaceful.  I have a lot less meltdowns when I'm in balance, and the meltdowns I do have don't tend to be maliciously redirected at the people I love.  (You notice I said "tend."  If there is one thing I can say about my little blog, it is that I have never feigned a false sense of perfection.) See that bu

A Wall, and a Siege, and There is ALWAYS Hope, My Friends!

 Well...I finally hit the wall. My little tribe keeps me going...sometimes a little more than I can take. I've been watching everything crumble around me and have been holding it together pretty well.  Typical for me.  I hold it together until everyone else hits homeostasis...then I can crumble. It wasn't even mental this time.  I won't say not at all, but not noticeably...and I've become pretty self aware (out of necessity) in that department over the years.  What actually happened, is I went for a walk alone.  Without Matt.  Without Jesse.  And about a 1/4 mile from the house, I had this weird, warm shock wave descend from my brain throughout my whole body.  I thought, "Weird," and kept going.  I mean, please tell me I'm not the only one to have random weird physical "events" like that every now and then???!!!   Regardless, I've had enough of them to know it is not completely atypical for me. Not this one, of course...he's just my littl

Don't Get the Puppy!!: And Other Helpful Tips

 P.S.  I are going to get the puppy.  We will cover that, too.  ðŸ˜‰ My macho, macho man... Ok.  Kidding, not kidding.  But seriously.  Are you stressed yet?  'Tis the season.  It seems like everywhere I turn everyone around me is falling to by one, like dominoes.  I blame time change and daylight depletion and weather fluctuations, but we shan't (yep...I used it) neglect the good old addition of extra holiday "fun" duties. I, myself, am just trying to take it one little step at a time.  Minute by minute.  Hour by hour.   Breaking it down into nice, easy steps, and not neglecting my need for creative downtime for things like: "It is finished." -Jesus I FINALLY finished the cross-stitch Starry Night.  If you were with me then, you may remember I bought this kit in February of 2019.  I recently put "finishing projects" and "getting rid of excess" into high gear around here. I finished this one last week, all 36,080 st