
Gravity Science Project

Gravity Science Project 2/29/2012...Happy Leap Day! We started a new book for science this week, The Real Scientist Investigates... Forces. So far, so good. We read the intro and did the first experiment. The girls learned about the scientific method for experiments and built ramps to observe gravity at work. It was the highlight of our homeschool day. As for the rest of the day...the girls worked in their daily math and skills books (by Evan Moor). Eden practiced in her spelling book (by Evan Moor), and Xander took her first test in her new spelling book ( A Reason For series by Moe Studio, Inc.). For bible devotion, we discussed faithfulness. Xander is leading a devotion at our homeschool group on Friday for her writing credit. Eden played on with Dillon. We struggled to entertain Dillon with Mario (on DS and Wii) and his train set and just plain pretend play, but we managed to get several credits. Tonight, we will go to the library for re

Learning to Adapt

Learning to Adapt; Adapting to Learn February 27, 2012 What makes a good homeschool mom ? I really think it all comes down to this: being willing to adapt. I am constantly questioning, constantly evaluating and re-evaluating everything I do, down to the most minute detail. (I tend to be pretty self-critical.) Sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough. Am I a good enough teacher? Are my kids going to turn out normal? Fortunately, something always comes along to give me that boost of encouragement I need. Our God is faithful to keep us on the path that He has chosen for us. As a homeschool mom, I have to be willing to release worry and fear, and lean instead on God, faith and the realization that no situation is ever perfect. I am going to mess up. I am human. That's what we do. Fortunately, I have a perfect God who can turn my errors into perfection. He is faithful to guide me to the right path, so long as I keep my heart fixed on him. I submit my homes

A Change of Scenery

A Change of Homeschool Scenery It doesn't look like much. In fact, it probably appears to be THE worst schooling environment possible...hope I don't get hotlined. Trust me, people, it's temporary. I decided to set the kids up in the basement today so that I could help Matt work on the drywall while they worked on their homeschool work. (Coincidentally, Matt ended up taking the Christmas tree down, and we were done before he was ready to start on the drywall.) Despite the mess, you would have thought I'd really done something special for the girls by letting them work downstairs. They were so excited. I guess it was that the change of atmosphere gave them a new motivation. Or getting to sit on the cushy loveseat while they worked. They didn't even care about the mess around us. Dillon loved getting to play next to us, and it was easier for me to be playing with him right near where the girls were working. I always have a hard time balancing th

That's How We Roll

That's How We Roll Friday 2/10/2012 I've been struggling this week with the "should" be's and do's and 'nts. I guess it comes down to over comparison. I don't know why I can't get this concept through my head: QUIT COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS. (You have to be especially careful of this with other homeschoolers!) It's a lose, lose situation. Either I come out below or above, the former makes me feel miserable, the latter IS miserable. ...and either makes me only want to befriend people who are similar to my personality and agree with me. My life would pretty limiting and redundant without more diversity than that! I was talking to a friend during a little knitting group I host last night. She had stayed late to finish up a knitting project. I felt a tinge of guilt turning on a movie for the kids at their bedtime. (I never used to let them have a television in their rooms...of course, we had cable then. Now, I have more cont

My Little Posse

My Little Posse Tuesday 2/7/2012 It's been a bit hectic around here lately, and I haven't been in the best of moods. About three weeks of utter chaos, and I can't seem to gain any ground or even grasp a moment of control. That's just how it goes sometimes - with homeschool, with life in general. I realized today that a lot of my frustration comes from the disorder in the house (from the mess and chaos of finishing the family room to acquiring new items that we had to wait to place). I don't cope well with disorganization. It heightens the natural chaos that comes with managing three kids and makes it just a little less bearable. We're starting to regain some order and are completing some long-term projects. My mind is getting progressively freed from disorder and to-do's. I'm getting in a better mood. In the height of frustration and chaos, I ran into my spiritual mentor. She was gracious enough to take me aside and pray. I w

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Snow, Snow, Snow Well, the snow hath fallen. We've got about 6 inches, and it is still coming down with a fury. I went out and shoveled for The Hub. (Don't feel sorry for me, I actually like getting out there. I know you homeschool moms will understand!) I shoveled our huge shared drive, our sidewalk, our neighbor's sidewalk, and our OTHER neighbor's sidewalk and drive. It just feels so good to do something nice for someone. Plus, it gives me a little exercise and quiet time...a two three birds kind of thing. (Notice our deck doesn't appear to be shoveled at work was totally covered within minutes. That's okay. Our job will still be easier tomorrow!) In preparation for the snow, we went to the craft store and stocked up on yarn. (I'm selling dishcloths at a local store!) We also went to the library and stocked up on good books for the kids to read. Our trip took all morning, and I was exhausted when we got hom

Why I Homeschool

Why I Homeschool Friday, January 20, 2012 Honestly, by instinct, I think I always knew I would homeschool. Well...technically, thought I would open my own school. (I tend to dream big.) I remember sitting in elementary school and thinking, "There's got to be a better way." O.M.G(oodness), I AM a nerd, aren't I? Really, though, I was so extremely bored, and I couldn't imagine the value in repeating the same things over and over again day after day. Now, part of that was the little creative rebel in me who can't stand to conform to ANY kind of set standards or rules. But I think there must have also been a little girl who just saw the inefficiency in trying to teach a variety pack of kids the same educative lunch menu day after day.